Monday, August 4, 2008


Man, today has been one of those days with my kids. I know I'm largely to blame, but that doesn't make it any easier. I have 2 girls that won't take naps and one who is a walking injury, that's the only way I know how to put it. I tried to force them to lay down for a while and Emery got out of bed and some how fell down and gave herself a black eye. I feel like she always has some kind of "boo boo" and it's usually on her face. I try not to get discouraged but man, it's hard being a parent. I know it is the most important thing I'll ever do but some days I just feel defeated! This is therapy for me, so just indulge me. I know I am so blessed to have 2 beautiful healthy little girls and I would not trade them for the world but man they can test me! They can push me to a stress level I would rather not go. Today I am clinging to these verses:

Those who sow in tears will reap with songs of joy.

Psalm 126:5

I wait for the Lord, my soul waits and in his word I put my hope.

Psalm 130:5

I have to keep telling myself, it will get better, we will have better days and I know it's true. The last thing I want to do is feel sorry for myself. He never said it would be easy, look what Jesus went through for me. I have the best life a person could ask for, but I still have these days where I can't get past my own problems. I don't know how people do this life with out faith in the Lord. I'm glad I never have to find out. If you read this, pray for me. Thanks.


Marcy said...

I WILL pray for you. You hang in there, okay? This is a season that you'll survive. :) You don't always feel like you'll make it...but you can..and you will. You're a good mom.

Love, M.

Morgan said...

IT erased my last comment..
I am praying for you too.. And just like Marcy said, you are a GREAT mom. Just think.. Audrey is starting preschool.. Time flies, so just take one moment at a time.

Love and miss you bunches! -Morgan

Unknown said...

I love your passages!
